The next morning, the gate of the county government was opened. Lai Fu and A Gui led the way, carrying sacks and squeezing in first, and finally got in line. Er Gouzi followed with grain, and saw several large buckets placed side by side in a hall. Lai Fu and his men were pouring grain from the sacks into the buckets. Filling the bucket and smoothing it is a standard bucket. But many small vendors, in order to attract customers, will pile a tip on the top after filling the bucket, and the extra is considered a gift. So people said that there is no business without a tip. Er Gouzi also untied the sack, poured the grain into the bucket, poured a full bucket, piled a small tip, and continued to pour another bucket. "Pah! Pah..." Er Gouzi suddenly felt a pain in his shoulder, and was whipped by the yamen runner behind him. He didn't understand what was going on, so he looked back and saw that the yamen runner had a ferocious face and whipped everyone with a whip, even Huang Laocai was not spared.
"You unruly people!" "The buckets are not even full!" The tenants were threatened by the yamen runners and hurriedly held the sacks and continued to pour grain into each bucket until they could not be piled up anymore. At this time, the yamen runner raised his leg and kicked a bucket. With this kick, the grain in the bucket rolled down to the top. "Bang bang bang..." The yamen runners kicked them one by one, and the golden rice spilled all over. "Fill it up!" The tenants hurriedly poured the grain into the buckets, making a big peak. "Bang, bang, bang..." The yamen runner used the same trick again, kicking the bowl once, and everyone could only fill it up again. Huang Laocai covered his chest, trembling, but dared not say a word. Fortunately, the yamen runner only kicked it twice and didn't kick it again. Finally, this year's tax was successfully completed and the government bills were received. Then everyone went to the county town to buy some items. It was not easy to come all the way here, and they couldn't go back empty-handed. Those who have children at home usually buy snacks worth a few coins to coax the children. Those who have wives at home, buy a foot or two of flowered cloth, and you can guarantee that your wife will obey you for several months. Those who don't have wives at home can buy some oil and salt to give to the widows in the village, which can also help others. Lai Fu bought two twisted dough sticks for the two children at home, and A Guijie bought a piece of black salt for his family. The salt here is cheaper than in Sanchazi Town. Er Gouzi made a lot of money this time by selling his strength, so he went to the bun shop and bought 10 big meat buns at a time.
"Er Gou, you are crazy, you are so extravagant, be careful not to be hungry at the end of the year, and you can't even have porridge." Lai Fu thought that Er Gouzi was a child and didn't know how to behave, so he kindly persuaded him. "While the buns are still hot, take them to the bun shop to return them, and eat one or two to satisfy your craving." "You are just shy and feel embarrassed. I will go with you to return them. At most, I will say a few more nice words." In the face of Lai Fu's kindness, Er Gouzi couldn't say that he was very rich now, and could only make a far-fetched explanation that he had stored a lot of dried wild vegetables and had no problem over the winter. The people in the same industry could only shake their heads secretly, feeling that this child was a spendthrift after all, without the supervision of his parents. They have seen many such people. They can barely get by in peaceful years, but once they encounter disasters, the first batch of people who starve to death are such people. However, it is not their business. If they talk too much, they will become enemies. When the group of tenants walked out of the county gate with laughter, it was already noon. The distance from the county to Shexi Village was too far. They set out at noon, and it was dark when they were halfway through the journey. They could only pick up some dry firewood and grass on the roadside to make a few simple torches for lighting. "We seem to be approaching the place where we were robbed last time?" "It's okay. King Zhao is very principled. He only robs once on a trip." As several people were talking, they saw a black shadow standing in front of them, blocking the middle of the road. The black shadow held a shiny gun in his hand, and the light of the torch was shining, which was very creepy. "Is that King Zhao in front?" Huang Laocai felt that something was not right. Although King Zhao was a bandit, he acted openly and honestly, never wore a mask, and used a gong to clear the way. So although Huang Laocai spoke respectfully, he stood in the crowd and did not dare to step forward alone. The black shadow in front did not speak, but walked towards the crowd with a sword. "Swish!" A flash of cold light passed by, and with a move of his hand, the head of a tenant fell off, and the warm blood sprayed on Er Gouzi's face. "Ah!" "Murder!" "He's alone, let's kill him together!" Lai Fu had more experience, he shouted, and pushed the wheelbarrow to hit the man in black. Between life and death, everyone was inspired by the blood in their hearts, and at the same time pushed the wheelbarrow to hit the black shadow. Er Gouzi also picked up a shoulder pole and smashed it at the black shadow in front. There were 50 of them and only one on the other side.
They thought they had more people and were sure to win, but the black shadow was very agile and avoided all the wheelbarrows with a few leaps, not even the corners of his clothes were stuck. At the same time, a cold light flashed, and Lai Fu's head, who was in the front, flew high. The other two were hit in the stomach and had already fallen. They were all tenants, and had never seen such a tragic scene. They threw away the weapons in their hands and ran away. Er Gouzi also wanted to escape, but found that the black shadow had already chopped him. He quickly picked up the wheelbarrow in his hand and smashed it at the black shadow. Although he had not learned fists, kicks, or swords, his strength and reaction became much more agile after practicing martial arts. This wheelbarrow was made of solid materials, four feet long, and weighed several kilograms. He swung it vigorously, and even forced the black shadow to retreat two steps. "Huh?" The black shadow obviously did not expect Er Gouzi to have such a huge force, and he exclaimed in surprise. Er Gouzi saw the opportunity and continued to smash the wheelbarrow randomly. The force was strong enough, the speed was fast enough, and there was no rules, which did not conform to any martial arts routine. Even if the black shadow had good martial arts, he could not do anything to him in a short time. "Bang..." The black shadow chopped and chopped the wheelbarrow, but finally the wheelbarrow could not bear it and fell apart, leaving only a big wooden stick in his hand. The black shadow pressed too hard, and there was no chance to pick up another wheelbarrow as a weapon. Looking back, the others took this opportunity to run away without a trace. Everyone else had run away, so what was he doing? He turned around and ran away! He found that he was very strong, so he ran fast at full speed, and he could only hear the whistling of the wind in his ears. But the black shadow was also fast, and he was still chasing him. Judging from the footsteps, the distance between the two was not far. The black shadow should also be a martial artist, but his strength was much stronger than his. Er Gouzi was anxious, he couldn't beat him, and he couldn't run away. Thinking of this, Er Gouzi mobilized a small amount of vitality in his body and flowed it to his legs. Sure enough, this airflow boosted his strength, and he kicked it, and a small pit was stepped out on the hard road surface, and he was directly ejected forward. The black shadow behind him had been ready to kill Er Gouzi, thinking that this move would kill him, but he didn't expect that his speed could suddenly increase. When he pulled back, he found that the distance between the two had widened and was getting farther and farther. Er Gouzi had been practicing every day during this period. His master had not taught him how to use the internal energy, so he didn't know much about it. He used the energy to help him run. At first, he couldn't adapt and almost fell down. Then he ran more and more smoothly.
Soon he caught up with Huang Laocai who was running hard in front. Huang Laocai was older and couldn't run as fast as these tenants. He ran out of breath. These tenants usually surrounded him to please him, but at the critical moment, they all ran away, leaving him alone behind to breathe. Now he saw that Er Gouzi and the black shadow had caught up with him, and he was scared and shouted for help. "Er Gou, save me!" Er Gou had just distanced himself from the black shadow, so he had no energy to save others. He immediately rushed past Huang Laocai. Huang Laocai did treat him to a meal, and he was grateful, but he didn't want him to repay it with his life. "Save me!" "Shekou Mountain's thief!" Er Gou, who was running, suddenly stopped and ran back without hesitation. For a meal, plus the three acres of land on Shekou Mountain, it was worth risking his life. When he ran back to Huang Laocai, the black shadow also chased him and raised his sword to chop Huang Laocai's neck. Fortunately, Er Gou arrived in time and pulled him back. This time, the sword deflected a lot, and only a cut was made on Huang Laocai's back. Er Gou carried Huang Laocai on his back and fled. It was just that carrying a person on his back made it much harder, and he was quite fast at the beginning. Gradually, the distance between him and the shadow was slowly shortened. "Hurry up! He's coming!" At this time, the most nervous person was Huang Laocai on his back. Seeing the shadow slashing at him, it scratched his back skin, making him feel cold. Huang Laocai was frightened by this, and his crotch felt hot, and a stream of hot urine poured on Er Gouzi's back. Fortunately, Er Gouzi burst out a burst of power at the critical moment, slightly pulling the distance apart. After that, he was caught up by the shadow several times, which scared Huang Laocai on his back so much that he screamed and his hands and feet trembled. Er Gouzi really didn't mean it. It was because he was practicing for a short time, and the airflow was originally very weak. It didn't take long for it to be consumed. A little bit of Qi would continue to seep out of the muscles, barely filling the gap. At the same time, he grabbed a handful of Dali from his arms and stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it. The Dali slowly digested in his stomach, producing a little vitality, which was slightly better than nothing, at least it could last a little longer. As Er Gouzi slowed down, the speed of the black shadow also slowed down, probably because it was tired and couldn't hold on. Gradually, the two sides pulled away.
When Er Gouzi returned to Shexi Village with Huang Laocai on his back, it was already bright. He actually ran at full speed for most of the night.