A luxurious carriage drove slowly through the streets of Chang'an. Li Nuo sat in the carriage, opened the curtains before arriving at the county government office, and observed everything outside. This is indeed a place similar to ancient China. As the carriage drove all the way, Li Nuo looked through the window and saw that both the clothes of the pedestrians and the style of the buildings on the streets were full of ancient charm without any trace of modern technology. After a while, Li Nuo lowered the curtains and returned his gaze to the carriage compartment. Opposite him, a cold woman held a long sword in her arms, looking at Li Nuo from time to time, but did not say anything. Under her glance, Li Nuo was on pins and needles. This woman was full of danger. Li Nuo hadn't even waited to apologize for kicking Li Nuo. Fortunately, the next moment, the carriage slowly stopped with a "hu" sound. Butler Wu opened the curtain and said with a smile: "Master, Madam, the county government has arrived." Li Nuo was relieved and immediately jumped out of the carriage. Two government officials standing guard at the county government office were chatting when they saw a carriage with three cloud patterns embroidered on the curtains parked at the county government office gate. The old policeman's eyelids jumped immediately, three clear cloud patterns, It shows that the owner of this carriage has an official rank of third rank. You must know that the magistrate of Chang'an County is only a fifth rank official. I wonder what kind of wind is blowing in the county office today, and what kind of great god is being blown here?
He did not dare to neglect, he bent his back all the way, trotted forward, and asked respectfully: "I have met a few noble people, is there anything I can do for you in your humble position?" … Chang'an County Government. Above the court. The Chang'an County Magistrate was trying a theft case. Just when the two suspects were holding on to different opinions, making it difficult for him to tell the difference, and he was upset, a policeman hurried in from outside the courtroom and whispered in his ear. Said: "Sir, the people from Dali Temple's mansion are here..." "Who's coming!" Hearing the words "Qing of Dali Temple", the Chang'an County Magistrate forgot that he was actually reviewing a case, and his groggy head suddenly woke up. He stood up from the chair in a daze, and his thigh touched the corner of the table without knowing it. Sweating broke out, and only the four words "Dali Temple Qing" echoed in my mind. Then, the memories of his life began to flash back rapidly. Except for secretly visiting a brothel a few days ago, he probably hasn't committed anything recently. Although the court does not encourage officials to engage in prostitution, it does not explicitly prohibit it. Besides, such a thing as prostitution would not alarm the Dali Temple... In a few breaths, the fine sweat on his forehead turned into a heavy cold sweat. The words "Dali Temple Minister" really frightened the officials in Chang'an. One level of official rank was overwhelming. Not only was the official position of "Dali Temple Minister" higher than his by four levels, but he actually held the hands of these officials. lifeline. In the middle of summer, it was terribly cold in the courtroom. He remembered clearly that his predecessor, the previous magistrate of Chang'an County, died at the hands of the Minister of Dali Temple... Why did he come to see me today? Could it be because of the case this morning? Damn it, damn it, they must be dissatisfied with the verdict in that case. It’s over now! He just felt that the girl was pitiful, and for a moment he felt soft-hearted, so he deliberately confused her crime and spared her life. It was better now, but instead he got himself into big trouble. The Confucian sage is here, the disciples have shown their spiritual powers, and it’s fine if he loses his official title. I just hope that the jackal can be merciful and let him live... Hey, this is probably impossible. That jackal is famous for eating people without spitting out their bones. I'm afraid I won't be able to survive. I wonder if my family can keep a few alive. For the sake of being both Confucian disciples, I hope That man can let his wife and children go... He didn't care about the trial of the case anymore. He took three steps at a time and ran outside quickly. He was extremely uneasy and had to squeeze out an extremely bright smile on his face. He said: "Several dignitaries are here. I'm sorry to welcome you from afar." , forgive me, forgive me..."
Butler Wu smiled and said: "You're welcome, sir. This is my young master, and this is my young lady..." Li Nuo looked at the official in front of him who was wearing a light crimson official uniform, nodding and bowing to them with an apologetic smile, and found it difficult to adapt for a moment. The magistrate of Chang'an County, in later generations, was nominally equivalent to the district chief of the core area of the capital. Li Nuo, a small clerk, did not even have the opportunity to meet an official of this level, let alone have a leader of this level in front of him. Nod and bow. Before Li Nuo could speak, the Chang'an County Magistrate said solemnly: "The damn assassin is so audacious that he dares to assassinate the young master. Don't worry, young master, I will punish you severely and give you an explanation..." Li Nuo waved his hand and said, "That's not necessary. The county magistrate will sentence you how you want according to the law." The Chang'an County Magistrate, who had regained his composure a little, glanced at Li Nuo in surprise. It was rumored that the son of the Minister of Dali Temple was a fool, but when I saw him for the first time today, this young man was so handsome and handsome, with clear and lively eyes, that he looked nothing like him. It's a fool. Moreover, it seems that the other party is not here to cause trouble for him? He couldn't figure out whether there was any hidden meaning in the other party's words, so he asked tentatively: "How do you want to sentence the young master, behead him?" Li Nuo didn't understand the laws of Daxia in this world, but under normal circumstances, the death penalty would not be so hasty. This county magistrate probably wants to please him. Li Nuo shook his head and said, "Just punish according to the law." Seeing what he said, the Chang'an County Magistrate was moved. After thinking about it, he tried again: "According to the Daxia Law, if someone is shot with a sword due to a fight, if someone is not injured, a hundred sticks will be used; if the blade hurts, the blade will kill him." Gold and iron have no limit, and those who are worthy of killing will be sentenced to two years of probation..., so I sentenced her to two years of probation. The young master is satisfied with this sentence. If he is not satisfied, he can change it..." Li Nuo had studied ancient law and was very familiar with this kind of wording. The general meaning of this law is that if you use a weapon to hurt someone, even if the victim is not hurt, you will be punished with a hundred sticks. Regardless of the size of the weapon, as long as it causes Wounds, the minimum sentence is two years in prison. According to the laws of Daxia, the female assassin's behavior fell into the latter category and she would be sentenced to two years in prison. In future generations, if she is punished for attempted murder, her sentence may be even longer. But these are not the point. The point is... Two years. The female assassin was sentenced to two years, and Li Nuo's life span was increased by just two days. Is there any connection between them? This is just Li Nuo's initial guess. Next, he plans to verify it. Li Nuo thought for a while and said with a smile: "I just suffered some superficial injuries. Isn't a two-year sentence a bit harsh... Otherwise, let her go." Butler Wu didn't say anything about this, and the cold woman glanced sideways at Li Nuo but didn't speak. The Chang'an County Magistrate glanced at him in surprise, thinking that the Dali Temple Minister was cruel and ruthless, and it was known throughout the court that he actually gave birth to such a kind-hearted son. If it were the son of another powerful person, a two-year prison sentence would be nothing. The female assassin would definitely There is no way to escape death, and there will definitely be some inhuman torture before death. Then, he said with a smile: "Young Master has a kind heart. Although the law of Daxia stipulates that it takes two years to injure someone with a blade, but if the injured person is not held accountable, he can also be released without charge. I will go and change it now." ” The affairs of the Dali Temple Qingfu were of course more important than the case he was trying. The Chang'an County Magistrate asked people to find the files of the closed case, find the page of the verdict, and rewrite it. Li Nuo always paid attention to the numbers on the "Code". When the Chang'an County Magistrate wrote that the female assassin was acquitted and signed and sealed it, Li Nuo's eyes were dazzled. "Name: Li Nuo."
"Lifespan: three days." His lifespan returned to three days, and the "Code" could no longer be opened. Li Nuo's chest rose and fell slightly, and his breathing became slightly rapid. The increase in his lifespan is indeed related to the penalty in this case! As for the specific quantitative relationship between the two, further verification is needed. The Chang'an County Magistrate finished changing the sentence and was about to have the female assassin brought out. Li Nuo showed an angry look on his face and said: "Forget it, it would be too easy to let her go. Let's sentence her to one year..." The Chang'an County Magistrate was speechless, but he still said: "Listen to the young master..." After speaking, he changed a piece of judgment paper and continued writing. "Name: Li Nuo." "Lifespan: four days." When the female assassin's sentence became one year, Li Nuo's life span became four days. When she was sentenced to two years, Li Nuo's life span was five days. It seemed that for every additional year she was sentenced, Li Nuo lived one more day. After rewriting the verdict, signing and sealing it, the Chang'an County Magistrate smiled and asked, "Sir, is that all right?" Li Nuo said: "One or two years is not enough to eliminate the hatred in my heart. Let's sentence it to three years..." The Chang'an County Magistrate took a deep breath, squeezed out a smile and said: "Yes, but according to the law, the crime of wounding can be sentenced to up to two years in prison. If sentenced to three years, the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple may not pass the review..." Li Nuo said: "It's okay, it's up to you..." Watching the Chang'an County Magistrate commute the sentence to three years, Li Nuo discovered that his life span had returned to three days. It seems that the "Code" will only extend his life according to the current law. The female assassin's crime is punishable by a maximum sentence of two years. If it exceeds the maximum sentence stipulated by the law, the sentence is invalid and Li Nuo will not get any benefits. arrive. Then, he tried another half year, one and a half, two and a half years... and even the death penalty. It turned out that the death penalty and the two-and-a-half-year sentence were invalid. One and a half years of life would be increased by one day. Without half a year, it seemed that a whole year had passed. A fraction of the amount will be discarded... The Chang'an County Magistrate rubbed his sore wrist, forced a smile, and asked Li Nuo: "Sir, is it okay?" Li Nuo said embarrassedly: "Let's follow the Daxia Law and get a two-year sentence. It's really troublesome for Mr. Pei..." At this moment, the anger in the Chang'an County Magistrate's heart had reached its extreme. The sentence was changed, the sentence was changed... Did this dude come to the county office to amuse himself? After all, he is also the county magistrate of the capital and a fifth-rank official. Do you really think he is afraid of the Minister of Dali Temple? Don't tell me, he is really scared. Very scared.
The Chang'an County Magistrate still had a bright smile on his face and said, "It doesn't matter. I'll just write it again. No big deal..." [PS: The update time of the new book issue is tentatively scheduled to be two updates at 12:00 noon every day, and subsequent updates from the alliance leader will be put on the shelves. 】