After being exposed by the Chang'an County Magistrate, Li Nuo's subsequent interrogation went particularly smoothly. The twenty or so officials, no matter what their official positions were or which government offices they worked in, were very cooperative. Li Nuo asked one question and they answered ten questions. Their attitude was surprisingly good. In order to take care of Li Nuo who was sitting, they all half-bowed their bodies to answer. Pei Zhe was envious of this scene. As the Chang'an County Magistrate, he often dealt with officials and dignitaries in Chang'an. When those people talked to him, they wanted to look up to the sky. When they were questioned by Li Nuo, a person without an official position, they didn't even dare to raise their heads. After questioning the last official, Li Nuo stood up and said, "Thank you for your hard work, you can go back." "It's not hard, it's not hard." "The young master is the one who is hard." "The young master is tired..." "I'm sorry..."
... After Li Nuo opened his mouth, within ten seconds, these officials rushed to leave, as if they would be left here forever if they left one step later. Li Nuo was still a little surprised. It seemed that his father, whom he had not met yet, had great prestige in the court, and those officials were polite to him. After letting them go, Li Nuo said to the magistrate of Chang'an County: "These court officials have no motive for committing the crime. If they want to kill Zheng Yuanwai, they don't have to do it themselves..." In fact, without Li Nuo's explanation, Pei Zhe also knew that the murderer was not these officials. He originally planned to release them first, but after releasing more than 20 people, there were still nearly 200 people. He didn't know what method Li Nuo had to find the murderer from these 200 people in less than two hours just by questioning. He was full of doubts and watched Li Nuo's performance quietly. After releasing more than 20 officials, there were still nearly 200 people. Li Nuo certainly couldn't ask them one by one. He put his hands behind his back, walked around outside several cells, and then pointed to a cell and said, "Open the cell door. The people in this cell can go back." The head of the prison looked at the Chang'an County Magistrate. Pei Zhe nodded and said, "Just do as you say." In one morning, he had learned all the details of the case. It was meaningless to keep these 200 people in prison. They had to be released in the end. In his opinion, this case should end up with an unresolved ending. Not all murder cases can be solved. In fact, eight out of ten murder cases in Daxia ended up with no results. It was rare for the murderer to be caught. Li Nuo walked to another cell and said again: "The people in this cell can go back too." The people in the two cells were released. The remaining two cells, one was full of female relatives, including the maids of Zheng's mansion, Zheng's wives and concubines, and a few female guests, and the other was full of Zheng's friends in the business world. Li Nuo asked the jailer to open the two cells and said: "You can all go out." The magistrate of Chang'an County was stunned when he heard this. What the hell, after all the trouble, he let everyone go? The people in the cell didn't care about this. When they heard that they could leave, they were overjoyed and swarmed out of the cell. Just as a handsome man happily stepped out of the cell door, his shoulder was suddenly pressed down by someone. Then a voice came, which made his body tremble suddenly, and his heart instantly turned cold. "They can go, you stay." Li Nuo held the handsome man's shoulder with his right hand, held a young woman's wrist with his left hand, and said lightly: "And you." The woman looked puzzled, and the handsome man looked a little pale, and asked: "Sir, why?" Yes, why?
The magistrate of Chang'an County also thought so. He couldn't understand Li Nuo's behavior at all. He didn't ask anything about the two hundred people, why did he leave these two people? What's the difference between these two people? Li Nuo smiled at the handsome man. This smile was very kind, but it made the latter feel a chill from his tailbone, as if all the secrets were exposed in front of him. Li Nuo didn't explain anything, but asked the jailer to separate the man and woman into the two farthest cells in the prison. They couldn't see each other, and naturally they couldn't collude. From beginning to end, Pei Zhe, the magistrate of Chang'an County, was in a fog. After Li Nuo detained the two separately, he finally couldn't help but asked, "Sir, why did you keep those two people? Do they have any problems?" Li Nuo was looking for questions with answers, of course, he found one, but he couldn't say it clearly. He thought for a while and said, "The people who were detained in the cells just now were panicked because they didn't know what would happen next. Most of them lowered their heads to think, or were at a loss. There was little regularity in their every move, but in the short two quarters of an hour when I asked those officials, the man and woman in the two cells secretly looked at each other 68 times. If there was no guilt in their hearts, how could it be explained?" The magistrate of Chang'an County looked at Li Nuo blankly, as if he was looking at a monster. When he asked those officials just now, he could actually pay attention and observe that among the more than 200 people in five cells, a man and a woman looked at each other 68 times? Pei Zhe was a normal person, he couldn't imagine that this was something a normal person could do? But thinking that he was the son of that man, it seemed acceptable for him to do this. But then again, if that man and woman really looked at each other so many times, then there is definitely something wrong with them. Pei Zhe looked at a constable and ordered: "Check the identities of those two people!" Soon, the detective came back, holding a file. After Pei Zhe took it, he just glanced at it, and immediately thought of something in his mind, and murmured: "Could it be..." Li Nuo asked: "What did Master Pei see?" Pei Zhe handed the file to Li Nuo, then remembered that he didn't know many words and said: "The man's name is Cui Ze, a newly wealthy businessman in Chang'an, and the woman's name is Zhang Xiaoyun, who was born outside Zheng half a year ago." Xin Na’s eighth concubine... Cui Ze and Zheng Yuanwai have no grievances, and there is no motive for committing the crime, but if he had an affair with Zheng Yuanwai’s concubine, it would be very reasonable. " Love killings and vendettas account for the most murder cases. Mr. Zheng is a good person and has no enemies, so love killings are very likely. He is already over fifty and is no longer the most ferocious age. However, he has many wives and concubines at home. It is inevitable It's hard to satisfy everyone. And the concubine in the eighth room is in her prime, an age that needs moisture from the rain and dew. Cui Ze is young and handsome, and it is normal for young men and women to accidentally stir up the fire from the sky. There is a 90% chance that this case has been solved. He had just observed carefully. When the two people were separated, Cui Ze couldn't help but glance at Zhang Xiaoyun, with panic in his eyes. Although everyone was let go and only them were left, it was appropriate to be panic, but he had seen too many Pei Zhe, who had been offended by too many people, was still keen to detect something unusual in his panic eyes. However, these are not important to Pei Zhe now. No case was as shocking as Li Nuo's. What is the Holy Body of Innate Investigation? That's it. He didn't need to go to the crime scene or understand the circumstances of the case. He didn't need to know anything. He could find the murderer among more than two hundred suspects with just a pair of eyes. What kind of incredible skill was this? If he had been born three hundred years ago, Legalism would probably have had one more saint. It's a pity that today is no longer the chaotic period of the Warring States Period. All the disciples have died one after another, and Legalism has also withered. Even if he is born to investigate the case, he will not be able to go very far on the path of Legalism. The Duke of the Manchu Dynasty will not allow the appearance of such a person. It's a pity, it's a pity that he is a legalist saint. With a sigh in his heart, he looked at Li Nuo again and asked, "Master, what should we do next?"
Unknowingly, he had regarded Li Nuo as his backbone. Chang'an County Government. Prison. Cui Ze leaned against the cold wall of the cell, his face turned pale, and his heart was extremely frightened. How is this possible? How is this possible? They did it perfectly. Even the servants of the Zheng Mansion did not notice anything. The Chang'an County Magistrate did not suspect them after checking for a whole morning. How did that person know? Thinking of that look that saw everything, he panicked completely. If he didn't know that they were the murderers, there was no reason for him to let everyone go and leave just the two of them. What's even more strange is that he has been detained for an hour, and no one has come to interrogate him, not to mention how miserable he has been during this hour. There was a sound of footsteps at the door of the cell, it was the jailer bringing food. From morning to now, for nearly four hours, he had not eaten any water or rice, and he was already hungry. The prison rice provided by the Chang'an County government office was just ordinary cabbage and tofu with rice, and it had a faint rancid smell. He didn't know what to put in it. How long. Cui Ze himself is very wealthy and enjoys delicacies from the mountains and seas every day. Faced with this bowl of rotten rice, it is really hard to swallow. At this moment, his nose suddenly smelled a strong aroma of rice. This smell of rice is something Cui Ze is no longer familiar with. "Roasted chicken, steamed fish, braised pork, Buddha jumping over the wall, and this fragrant rice... This is the top fragrant rice in Northeast China!" It was clear that a disaster was imminent, but at this moment, Cui Ze still felt resentful in his heart. Everyone was a prisoner, so why should he be given sour cabbage and tofu rice that was so good for others? Two jailors carried delicious meals and passed Cui Ze's cell, seemingly chatting casually. "Is that woman really about to move?" "Isn't that right? Otherwise, if you can make such a big investment, I would do it too. The last move will only lead to death. Although the first mover will inevitably be exiled, there is still a glimmer of hope..." What! The words of the two jailers resounded through Cui Ze's mind like thunder. Did she recruit? If you strike first, you can avoid death. Why didn't anyone tell him? Damn it, that bitch, it was her idea to seduce him first, kill Member Zheng, and then try to seize his family property. In the end, it was she who died. How could she bear this? The figures of the two jailers had already gone away. Cui Ze grabbed the railing of the cell and shouted with almost all his strength: "Sir, I'm going to attack, I'm going to attack them all!" at the same time. The other side of the prison. "Is that man really about to make a move?" "Isn't that right? Otherwise, if you can make such a big investment, I would do it too. The last move will only lead to death. Although the first mover will inevitably be exiled, there is still a glimmer of hope..."
In a cell in the corner, the young woman listened to the words that the two jailers seemed to say casually, and then looked at the delicious food in their hands. Although she did not say anything, she could not hide her sigh of disappointment. Although it was impossible for her to do it, based on her understanding of Cui Ze, the other party's mind was unable to withstand this obvious alienation tactic. Sure enough, the next moment, she vaguely heard Cui Ze's cry. Although the cell was large and the two of them were at opposite ends, it still couldn't completely block the adult man from shouting with all his strength. In addition to loss, there was a deeper fear and relief hidden deep in her eyes.