In the courtroom, Chang'an County Magistrate Pei Zhe's head was about to explode. A murder occurred in the jurisdiction, which was not a trivial matter in the first place. If it was an ordinary murder case, it would be fine, but this time, the person who died this time was a well-known wealthy businessman in Chang'an. The other person not only had a very high status in the business world, but also had close contacts with certain dignitaries in the court. Last night coincided with his fiftieth birthday, and there were many guests staying at his home. These guests themselves were of extraordinary status, some were wealthy businessmen, and some were officials in the DPRK like him. If they were allowed to go, I would want to check them one by one. , it will cost at least a hundred times more trouble, but leaving them all here and interrogating them one by one is obviously unrealistic. These people were talking so loudly that it gave him a headache. Pei Zhe picked up the gavel and was about to ask them to be quiet when a rushing sound suddenly came from outside. "Stop, let me go!" The voice sounded familiar. Pei Zhe looked up and saw a familiar figure. His heart sank, there was enough chaos here, and if this young master came to add to the chaos, wouldn't it just add to the chaos? Although he was unhappy in his heart, he still kept a smile on his face, came up to him personally, and said apologetically: "Young Master, you have also seen that I can't get away now. I will wait for the official to find out the case before I can entertain you properly." …” Li Nuo breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. It's good that the case hasn't been solved yet.
He smiled and said: "You check your case, I will just watch from the side and won't disturb you." Pei Zhe smiled apologetically, returned to his seat, and continued to read the confessions of these people. He originally wanted to follow Li Nuo's example and ask these people to write down what happened last night in detail, front and back, so as to determine who was lying and identify the suspect, but the deceased's fiftieth birthday happened last night. Almost all the guests drank, and many of them slept soundly all night, unable to remember what happened last night, let alone recount it. Although that method is ingenious, it cannot be used in this case. Li Nuo stood aside and saw the Chang'an County Magistrate frowning, and asked, "What did Mr. Pei find out?" Pei Zhe shook his head and said, "I checked all morning and found nothing." Li Nuo thought for a while and asked, "How about you let me try?" Pei Zhe turned to look at Li Nuo, his eyes full of disbelief: "You?" It wasn't that he looked down on Li Nuo, but it was because there were too many people involved in the case and there were no clues. He had been interrogating for a whole morning and couldn't find even a single hair. Member Zheng usually builds bridges and roads, distributes porridge to charity, and is kind to others. He doesn't have any enemies, and he doesn't even have any suspects. How can he investigate this? Unless his father Li Xuanjing took action, Pei Zhe felt that it was even possible. Li Nuo smiled slightly and said, "I won't be able to find out anything for a while anyway, so why not let me try?" Pei Zhe asked: "How do you want to check, Master?" Li Nuo actually doesn't know how to investigate cases. That's a matter for criminal police. As a judge, his duty is to judge. He also has self-awareness. In terms of brains, he is far inferior to Bao Zheng, Di Renjie, Holmes and others. But he had the Codex. He only needs to lock everyone up, write down the verdict according to the crime of murder, and observe whether the other party's portrait appears in the code and whether the life span has increased, then he will know whether he is the real murderer. With so many people, it is nothing more than a waste of pen and ink. If the murderer is among these people, he will find out sooner or later. It was just not easy to explain afterwards. No one could see him writing his name. Li Nuo looked at the Chang'an County Magistrate and said, "This is a mess. It's not a place for interrogation. Put them in jail first." Pei Zhe raised his eyebrows and then said: "Master, this is not good. Most of these people have extraordinary status. Some are even court officials. Although their ranks are not high, they are still official officials..."
Li Nuo looked at it, estimated the number of people, and then said: "The court is too chaotic. The prison is cleaner and suitable for investigation and questioning. I promise to release them within two hours..." The Chang'an County Magistrate thought for a while, nodded slightly, picked up the gavel tree and knocked it a few times. The hall inside and outside gradually became quiet. He cleared his throat and said: "I can understand everyone's mood, but everyone here is friends of Zheng Wai. I believe you don't want to see the murderer of Zheng Wai go unpunished. Please move to prison for the time being. , I promise that the interrogation will be completed within two hours, and everyone can go back after that..." As soon as the Chang'an County Magistrate said this, there was a small amount of noise in the court. Although there were still some mutterings and complaints, he still reluctantly agreed with what the Chang'an County Magistrate said. After all, it was a murder case that had already been waited for all morning. It would not hurt to wait another two hours. A quarter of an hour later. Chang'an County Government, inside the prison. This was Li Nuo's first time here. He originally thought that ancient cells would inevitably be dirty and messy, but the cells here changed his impression. Although the various instruments of torture hanging on the walls were a bit deceptive, the cells Overall it's pretty clean. Apart from being a bit cold and damp, there's no unpleasant smell. Last night, member Zheng held a birthday party and hosted a banquet with many guests. Some of them stayed at Zheng's house because they were drunk. Counting the servants of Zheng's house, the number of people involved in this case actually reached more than two hundred. In order to temporarily detain these people, the Chang'an County Magistrate divided them into five cells. Among them, more than 20 officials occupied one cell, the female family members occupied one cell, and the rest were scattered in three other cells. "Dog thief!" When Li Nuo passed by a cell, a familiar voice suddenly came to his ears. He turned his head and saw the female assassin staring at him fiercely in a cell. Li Nuo had no time to pay attention to her, and looked straight at the "Code" suspended in front of him. At this moment, the portraits on the codex changed from two pages to four pages. Just now, when all these people were put into the cell, the code suddenly had two more pages. On one page was a handsome man, and on the other page was a young woman. The portrait of the woman was It was colorful and bright, just like the previous two pages, while the man's portrait was dim black and white. He glanced around and quickly found the two people in the portraits in the two cells. He still underestimated this mysterious code. It turned out that there was no need for trial at all. As long as the murderer was put in a cell, their portrait would appear on the code. In this way, even pen and ink are saved. However, his lifespan on the cover has still not increased. The number should not change until after the verdict. Although he had identified the murderers, he could not convict them out of thin air. The procedures that should be followed still had to be followed. Li Nuo sat down at a table in the prison and said to the Chang'an County Magistrate sitting beside him: "Master Pei, You can bring them here.” Among those detained, the most important ones are of course court officials. According to the law, the county government can detain officials of seventh rank or above for a maximum of two hours. Once the two hours have passed, they will either be released or transferred to the Ministry of Punishments. Or Dali Temple, so Pei Zhe asked the middle-aged man with the highest official position to be invited out first. The richly dressed, pot-bellied man walked to the table, sat down with a dignified look, and said without giving Pei Zhe any face, "Master Pei, if you have anything to say, please ask me quickly. I have official duties after I go back." Pei Zhe shook his head and said, "The person I want to ask you is not this officer, but this young master." Only then did the official realize that the person sitting on the main seat was actually a young man. He frowned, but did not get angry. Instead, he asked: "Who is this person? What is his official position and what title is he?" ?” Although he is a sixth-grade official, two levels higher than the local county magistrate, this is Chang'an after all, with ministers everywhere and powerful people gathered. A small sixth-grade official cannot afford to offend too many people. The Chang'an County Magistrate shook his head and said: "He has no official position, no title."
After hearing this, the Prime Minister of Dali Temple knew that he could be angry, and immediately said angrily: "Without an official or a position? What qualifications do you have to interrogate an official without an official or a position? What happened to your Chang'an County Government? Anyone can interrogate the imperial official. Is it done...? As the Prime Minister of Dali Temple and a sixth-rank official in the imperial court, the Chang'an County Magistrate could only interrogate him. Although he looked down upon the Chang'an County Yamen officials, the official surnamed Pei was two levels higher than him, so it was not a loss. face. The young man in front of me, apart from his handsome appearance, has no aura of superiority. He must not come from a powerful family. He has no official position or title. How can he be qualified to judge him? Facing the angry Dali Temple Prime Minister, the Chang'an County Magistrate said leisurely: "He is Lord Li's son." "What happened to Mr. Li's son? Can Mr. Li's son break the court rules..." Even though he was the son of the prime minister of the dynasty, he had no official position, and he was not qualified to interrogate the court officials. He walked and sat upright, so there was nothing to worry about. The prime minister of Dali Temple was still angry and said something, as if he was thinking of What did he say, his expression suddenly stopped, and he asked carefully: "Which... Mr. Li?" The Chang'an County Magistrate smiled slightly and said: "Master Li Xuanjing, Master Zhang should be more familiar with me, right?" After Pei Zhe finished speaking, the buttocks that Dali Si Cheng was sitting on suddenly bounced up in an instant. His chubby face was full of smiles. He ran to Li Nuo, bent down humbly, and licked his mouth. He apologized and said with a smile: "I blinded the official's dog eyes and didn't even recognize the young master. Please calm down the young master. If you want to ask the young master, just ask. The official will definitely tell you everything he knows..."