After reaching such a conclusion, the ministers below bowed their heads deeply. I was afraid that the immortal would notice him and let him tell the truth. More than half of the officials in the court were more or less charged with beheading. It’s too much fun to make people force the truth! At this time, Wang Teng was almost angry when he heard the old man's words. What does it mean to be too cold? Your excuse is too perfunctory, right? And you just fooled me, how could you be so skillful? "Damn it! Usually, do you think of me as a fool? You ministers can all be killed!" Li Shuai: It’s really too much. They are stupid, but you are still funny. They are born! Wang Teng screamed angrily, and suddenly, after a glance, he saw a person who was shaking all over and seemed to be crazy. The official hat on his head was shaking, and the green skin on his head could be vaguely seen. "You! Take off your hat!"
Wang Teng has not been the emperor for a long time and has not remembered the names of some ministers, but at least he has met many faces and his appearance has changed a lot, so he still discovered it. That guy's hairline didn't move up so much before! The guy didn't dare to take it off. Wang Teng signaled with a look. The two eunuchs controlled the minister one on the left and right, and directly took off his official hat! While struggling, the minister shouted, "It's a shame for you!" As a result, everyone looked closely and saw that the minister had shaved his head in front and had a braid on the back. Isn’t it the Qing Dynasty’s golden rat-tail hairstyle? Seeing that his new hairstyle was exposed, the minister stopped struggling and did not say he was humiliating. He raised his head and tried to defend himself, "I am definitely not. I changed my hairstyle and wanted to be a traitor and join the enemy. Just before, my head was itchy and I changed my hairstyle! ” "Damn! Such words will believe them! No matter how fooling me, I won't be fooled by them! And are you just not asking for advice? ” Wang Teng's anger reached its peak and roared directly, "One water is too cold, the other is itchy on his head. Do you want to make a combination? Come and beat them to death! It is because of these traitors that so many brave men died to take revenge when they rushed up the city tower! ” "Bow him to death!" "revenge!" "I want to take revenge~" In the court, a great purge began. When former soldiers and eunuchs broke into their homes and called for someone to go to court, what were the ministers doing at that time. Is it a traitor who welcomes the enemy, or a cowardly and fearless person who lives in vain. Everything will eventually be liquidated!
Regarding the traitor, Wang Teng combined his hands and used the technique of separating the nine clans! Those who showed a tendency to treason the country would be confiscated and executed, or even implicated the nine tribes. Those guys, seeing that the court was in a weak position, were ready to surrender to the enemy. Of course, they are not good guys in normal times, they are all corrupt officials and people. And their relatives also use their power to pretend to be powerful. The nine clans will involve many people. It cannot be said that they cannot involve an innocent person, but among the ten people, at least nine deserve it. As for those children, as the saying goes, Huang Teng has also been baptized by various world information on the Internet. The protagonist of any world treats the enemy either, or destroys the family. The earthworms in the enemy's house had to be cut vertically in half, and the eggs had to be shaken and dissipated yellow. He naturally has to keep up with the fashion trends! However, in order to show his own pattern, Wang Teng said to the eunuch next to him. "If you don't have a height that does not exceed the wheel, you won't kill, put it horizontally, and don't stand up!" As soon as this statement was spoken, the eunuch was stunned for a while, and after a while he understood the profound meaning. Listening to what Wang Teng said in Fengtian Palace, the ministers who knew that they were dead and even their nine clans could not be saved. They cried and called their parents, saying that they had a lot of money and tried to hand over their savings to exchange for their own life. Some people also scolded Wang Teng is a tyrant, so what's wrong with implicating the nine clans? Anyway, they are going to die, so just scolding is going to make a joke. You have the ability to kill him ten clans! Regarding the former, Wang Teng said that it was a joke. If you kill you, the money will still be mine! As for the latter type, he said that he had never heard of such an outrageous request, so arrogant! Just like the Nine Clans are wholesale! In response, he waved his hand and allowed them to speak loudly, and directly killed those ten clans. The ministers were stunned on the spot, no, I will just talk! You're really playing! I'm taking it back now, can I not count it? Unfortunately, it is too late to regret it now. Some ministers still want to resist, but facing bloody soldiers and eunuchs, these cowards and traitors in the capital are fundamentallyCan't resist. I'm so laughing, I'm just timid to the outside world, and I want to attack hard at home, but unfortunately, the dish is just the dish! Wang Teng has done a good job in dealing with traitors, and as for those who are living a life of silence, he chose to deal with it afterwards. Things must be prioritized, for example, if your subordinates are all busy, the most urgent thing now is to make a living! Wang Teng directly hangs his arms with Li Shuai, preparing to invite his adoptive father who helped him a lot this time to have a good meal.
Li Shuai happened to be hungry when watching the show, so naturally he was respectful and not as good as obedient as he was. Due to the situation in the capital, this meal was average, but the taste was really good. Finally, I watched some palace maids dance, and I felt that the quality of life of the emperor in this era of cold weapons was just that! Wang Teng highly recognized this, and there were very few entertainment activities in ancient times. After enjoying for a long time, some of the gold, silver and treasures obtained by the initial search of the house were presented by a eunuch beside Wang Teng. There were a lot of treasury things in those gold and silver treasures. It was obvious that some of the ministers in that wave of ministers divided my treasury’s treasures while they were messing up and swept them all. These are not what shocked Wang Teng the most, after all, they had expected it. But the amount of other gold, silver and treasures shocked him directly. Damn, the gold, silver and treasures that were initially found were worth more than the money in the treasury! The ministers usually cry poorly, but once, the imperial court suffered a severe drought in the north. The court made donations, and each of them performed poorly, and none of them paid much money. Almost all fake! He even found out that although he was not a traitor, he was the kind of short-sighted and cowardly and afraid of death. But he owed a huge sum of money because he was a royal relative. Wang Teng was so angry that he was so angry that the donations his own Lao Deng had donated were the least donated by his relative, but he was still so greedy. I really thought it was my relative, and I thought I could not kill the nine clans, so I was a little embarrassed! He changed his name to his relatives and family on the spot, and he would not let their surname be Wang in the future and would be expelled from the Wang family. After a pause, he ordered someone to search the house and behead him. His relative: No, my surname is Wang, and I have been surnamed Wang for most of my life. If you say no, then you are not? Wang Teng: I am the emperor, and I have the final right to explain!