[Physical skills: S+ level] [Swordsmanship: D level] [Basic. Physical endurance defense: SS level] [Comprehensive attack power: S level] [Comprehensive defense power: SS level] Luo Chen saw that Marco's personality was very biased! ! Basics. Physical endurance defense: SS level. Comprehensive defense power: SS level. These two are the highest, and it is estimated that the phoenix form ability also plays a role in them. Obviously he has the basic physical endurance defense: SS level. Why does Marco become exhausted so quickly during the battle? It is probably because the recovery ability of the phoenix form consumes a lot of money. It also has something to do with it.
If we wake up, this shortcoming will probably be solved. Looking at Marco's attributes, Luo Chen felt that Marco was neither good nor bad. There’s nothing wrong with being able to play high-end games! ! It's a pity that the damage is not enough. The armament and domineering is S level, the physical skills are S+ level, and the comprehensive attack power is S level, although it is also the top among S levels. However, the strong players in the high-end game all start at SS level, and no matter how bad they are, they will have to have S+ level defense at the lowest level. If the phoenix form had awakened, luckily, Marco hadn't awakened either. Chapter 41 Become an all-round monster with high attack, high defense and unlimited recovery u003cheaderu003eu003c/headeru003eu003carticleu003eu003cp idxu003d"0" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"0" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"1"u003e.......................u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"1" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"1" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"2"u003e随着系统快速运转,马尔科的幻兽种不死鸟形态果实能量不断出现在洛尘体内。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"2" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"2" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"3"u003e【叮!强化复制成功,幻兽种不死鸟形态果实能力已觉醒】u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"3" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"3" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"4"u003e【宿主:洛尘】u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"4" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"4" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"5"u003e【超人系飘飘果实能力:已觉醒】u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"5" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"5" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"6"u003e【动物系幻兽种不死鸟果实能力:已觉醒】u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"6" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"6" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"7"u003e【见闻色霸气:SS+级】u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"7" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"7" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"8"u003e【武装色霸气:A级】u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"8" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"8" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"9"u003e【霸王色霸气:S+级】u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"9" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"9" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"10"u003e【体术:A+级】u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"10" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"10" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"11"u003e【剑术:SS级】u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"11" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"11" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"12"u003e【:SS+级】u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"12" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"12" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"13"u003e【综合攻击力:S+级】u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"13" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"13" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"14"u003e【综合防御力:SS级】u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"14" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"14" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"15"u003e洛尘身体中融入了觉醒级别的幻兽种不死鸟形态,,到达惊人的将皇级巅峰基础。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"15" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"15" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"16"u003e这种惊人的体内能量,战斗个十天半月一点问题都没有。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"16" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"16" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"17"u003e洛尘感叹不愧是动物系幻兽种的觉醒,加强的幅度相当的大。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"17" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"17" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"18"u003e觉醒的幻兽种带动基础的提升,基础的提升拖动着武装色霸气从C级升级到A级,连续跨越了两个等级。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"18" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"18" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"19"u003e同时动物系幻兽种,又是纯碎增加肉体强度,让单体搏斗变得更加强大,因此体术也从B级被连带着提升到A+级。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"19" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"19" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"20"u003e霸王色霸气是根据实力和气魄提升而提升的,因此霸王色霸气也是一样从S级升级到S+级。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"20" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"20" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"21"u003e综合防御力因为幻兽种不死鸟形态觉醒级别的关系,直接从B+级暴增到SS级的将皇级。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"21" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"21" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"22"u003e........................u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"22" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"22" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"23"u003e........................u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"23" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"23" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"24"u003e之前的洛尘完全就是属于一个高攻低防的刺客,如今直接成为高攻高防无限恢复的全方位怪物。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"24" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"24" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"25"u003e现如今要是跟赤犬或者青雉这种大将战斗,攻击力方面确实低了一点,但是洛尘也是属于将皇级层次的强者了。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"25" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"25" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"26"u003e其中有四项属性到达SS级以上,其中两项更是到达SS+级。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"26" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"26" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"27"u003e消耗都能够把赤犬或者青雉这种大将给消耗死。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"27" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"27" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"28"u003e而在洛尘复制不死鸟果实能力和看面板的期间。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"28" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"28" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"29"u003e草帽路飞对白胡子完成了一波抬杠。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"29" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"29" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"30"u003e白胡子单手抬起无上大快刀丛云切快速转动了起来,最后重重砸在甲板上,嘴角露出微笑说道:“小子,你最好别给我拖后腿,不然我可饶不了你。”u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"30" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"30" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"31"u003e“少啰嗦,我会安排我自己的方式救出艾斯。”草帽路飞一挥手目光直视白胡子大声回应道。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"31" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"31" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"32"u003e这一幕可谓是瞬间吓傻双方的人马。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"32" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"32" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"33"u003e草帽路飞鼻子喷气,看向行刑台上的艾斯,大声说道:“大家,我们上,救出艾斯。”u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"33" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"33" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"34"u003e草帽路飞话音一落,就率先冲了出去,紧接着万里阳光号上,索隆,山治,乌索普,乔巴,弗兰奇,布鲁克,娜美,罗宾也都紧随其后跟了上去。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"34" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"34" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"35"u003e连同伊万科夫,等人妖100多号人全部都跟着一起跳了下去。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"35" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"35" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"36"u003e........................u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"36" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"36" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"37"u003e........................u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"37" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"37" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"38"u003e白胡子海贼团三番队队长钻石乔治,跳下莫比迪克号的同时大声怒吼道:“白胡子海贼团,我们也上。”u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"38" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"38" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"39"u003e“吼吼吼~~”于是所有白胡子海贼团的船员们,跟番队队长们,也都全部一起出击了出去。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"39" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"39" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"40"u003e海侠甚平选择跟白胡子海贼团的人一起行动。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"40" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"40" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"41"u003e顿时,整个莫比迪克号就剩下两个人,白胡子和马尔科,其他的全部都出击了出去。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"41" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"41" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"42"u003e海军同样也是立刻做出反应:“迎击,迎击,迎击,炮击莫比迪克,消灭白胡子,正义必胜。”u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"42" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"42" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"43"u003e顿时无数的海军士兵从广场上跳到冰面上,迎接白胡子海贼团的冲击。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"43" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"43" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"44"u003e战争瞬间进入混战。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"44" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"44" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"45"u003e洛尘这一边,雨之希留和多米诺都站在洛尘身后,他们洛尘船长没有下达命令,他们也不会擅自行动。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"45" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"45" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"46"u003e更后面的是,小丑巴基和一群推进城出来的囚犯们。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"46" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"46" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"47"u003e此时此刻的小丑巴基已经吓得想要逃离这里了,因为这里实在是太可怕了,太多强大的人了。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"47" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"47" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"48"u003e洛尘缓缓转头看向巴基说道:“巴基。”u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"48" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"48" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"49"u003e“嗯!谁在叫本大爷?”小丑巴基很是疑惑,谁会叫他?u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"49" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"49" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"50"u003e突然巴基看到洛尘的目光后,小丑巴基以为洛尘要动手杀他,吓得整个人摔倒在地上。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"50" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"50" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"51"u003e洛尘直接对巴基威胁说道:“巴基,我交给你一个任务,就是想办法拿到海军的影像电话虫,并控制在手里进行转播。”u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"51" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"51" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"52"u003e“记住别搞什么小动作,不然我让你出不了海军本部马林梵多,听懂了吗??”u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"52" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"52" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"53"u003e........................u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"53" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"53" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"54"u003e........................u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"54" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"54" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"55"u003e“本大爷,怎么可能...听...你...我明白了,我马上就带人去安排。”巴基本想拒绝的,但是那么一瞬间,巴基感受到洛尘的杀气后,吓得立刻答应。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"55" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"55" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"56"u003e其实巴基已经不知道偷偷在心里骂了洛尘多少遍。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"56" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"56" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"57"u003e巴基带着他的推进城小弟们去办事后。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"57" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"57" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"58"u003e雨之希留询问道:“船长,那么我们呢??”u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"58" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"58" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"59"u003e“希留,想去战斗进去吧!这里的战场,随意发挥,杀死多少海军都没有关系,有我在,没人动得了你。”洛尘淡淡说道。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"59" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"59" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"60"u003e雨之希留听到满意的答案后,恭敬的回应道:“谢谢船长,那么我现在就出击了。”u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"60" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"60" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"61"u003e雨之希留说完,一跃而起向着海军冲上去,握紧手里的妖刀雷雨。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"61" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"61" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"62"u003e双眼充满兴奋,今天雨之希留的目的不是击败谁,也不是为了杀死谁,而是为了这里有足够多的海军士兵。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"62" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"62" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"63"u003e能够让他雨之希留杀到不想杀为止。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"63" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"63" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"64"u003e在雨之希留也出击了以后,这艘停靠在莫比迪克号旁边的军船上,也剩下洛尘和多米诺两个人。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp p_idxu003d""u003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"64" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"64" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"65"u003e........................u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"65" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"65" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"66"u003e........................u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003c/articleu003eu003cfooteru003eu003c/footeru003e Chapter 42 The Warring States Period issued an order to get rid of Luo Chen ........................ On the execution platform, Sengoku said to Akainu below: "Akainu, the Luo Chen who kidnapped the Celestial Dragons is in your hands. You must capture him, otherwise the Celestial Dragons will keep bothering us." "I understand, every pirate here today will not be able to leave Marinevando." Akainu responded ruthlessly while sitting on the middle chair. As for why the Warring States Period didn't hand over this task to Kizaru, the main reason is that the Warring States Period was also afraid of what Kizaru would do if he acted carelessly? ? Luo Chen took Domino to the Whitebeard Pirates' Moby Dick. Whitebeard looked at the young man who fell beside him and said, "You are the kid who kidnapped the Tianlong people a few days ago! You are very brave." "Whitebeard, I have admired his reputation for a long time, and now I see that it is indeed well-deserved." Luo Chen looked at the burly body in front of him and responded with a smile. Domino, who was brought here by Luo Chen, was frightened. Facing the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard, she would certainly feel particularly scared as a woman. Fortunately, Luo Chen was there. "Hula la la~~" Whitebeard looked at the sky and said with a smile: "That is all in the past tense. Now is the time for you young people." Marco expressed his gratitude and said: "Luo Chen, thank you. Although I don't know what your purpose is, you did help our Whitebeard Pirates share some of the pressure."
"I would like to express my gratitude, Whitebeard. If you unfortunately die in this war, let me become the new captain of the Whitebeard Pirates. I will protect your sons and leave Marinevando smoothly." Luo Chen said straight to the point. his purpose. Marco was instantly angry and roared: "Luo Chen, do you want to start a war with our Whitebeard Pirates? Say such unlucky words for dad??" On the Moby Dick, this noisy scene was also seen by the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates and the navy soldiers. A pirate from the Whitebeard Pirates pointed at Luo Chen and said, "What does that bastard Luo Chen want to do to dad?" "Could it be that Luo Chen's goal when he came to the Navy headquarters was White Beard?" The Navy had a different view, thinking that Luo Chen's goal might be White Beard. After all, Whitebeard's reputation is so great that many people in this sea want Whitebeard's head. However, the scene that the navy expected did not appear, and Luo Chen and Baibeard did not fight. Whitebeard stopped Marco and said to Luo Chen: "Boy Luo Chen, according to your wishes, I will die on this battlefield, right?" "If nothing else happens, it should be so." Luo Chen did not answer with 100% certainty that Whitebeard would definitely die on the battlefield. After all, the current scene is not the original scene. "Hula la la~~" Whitebeard laughed heartily and said: "You really dare to say anything. He is indeed the guy who dares to kidnap the Tianlong people." "Instead of being passive, it is better to take the initiative, maybe the effect will be better." Luo Chen said in a subtle way. "Hula la la~~" Whitebeard said with a smile: "If the situation didn't allow it at this time, I really want to have a good fight with you." "Old man, I guess there is no such chance." Luo Chen responded, looking in the direction of the navy. Marco looked at the white-bearded father worriedly. In fact, Marco knew that his father's physical condition was very bad now. When my father has a hidden illness, he still has to face being surrounded by so many strong men in the navy. Therefore, in this war, Marco has made up his mind not to let his father fight for too long. The task of rescuing Ace must be completed by his sons. But Marco couldn't say these words in front of his father, otherwise he wouldn't agree without even thinking about it. After following his father for so many years, Marco knows very well what his father is like. At the same time, where Oishi Shichibukai was standing, Hawkeye Mihawk jumped forward. And it was this step that instantly attracted the attention of many people. Doflamingo on the side smiled and said: "Fuh, fu, fu~~" "It's rare! Hawkeye Mihawk, I never thought you would plan to participate in the war??" "I just want to test how big the gap is between the man in front of me and us." Hawkeye Mihawk raised his hand and grasped the supreme sharp sword Hei Daoye on his back, and pulled it out. Akainu, who was in the position of the three generals, raised his head slightly and said, "That guy who goes his own way actually wants to join the war?" "The world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk." The navy soldiers looked at that figure and said in surprise. Foil Hikita, the captain of the fifth division of the Whitebeard Pirates, looked at Hawkeye Mihawk with a smile on his lips and said: "I have long wanted to meet him. Anyone who is a famous swordsman will think that this man is Hawkeye." Mihawk is the most powerful swordsman in my eyes." Hawkeye Mihawk swung his sword fiercely, and the huge flying slash shot out instantly, hitting Whitebeard on the Moby Dick directly.
The huge flying slash of hundreds of meters swept across the ice, blowing away all the navy and pirates in its path. "Dad." "Dad." "Dad." "Dad." "Dad." All the pirates in the Whitebeard Pirates looked at Father Whitebeard worriedly, because Mihawk's attack was directed at their father. The marines were holding their breath, waiting for Hawkeye Mihawk and Whitebeard to tell the result. Zoro clenched the weapons in his hands and stared at Hawkeye Mihawk: "That guy Hawkeye Mihawk." To this day, Zoro still clearly remembers the scene when he was defeated by Hawkeye Mihawk in the East China Sea. It can be said that in that duel, Zoro was completely defeated when facing Hawkeye Mihawk. Now that he saw Hawkeye Mihawk again, Zoro wanted to challenge him again, but he also knew that with his current strength, he was still no match for Hawkeye Mihawk. The greatest swordsman in the world, Zoro vowed to get it sooner or later. Chapter 43 Luo Chen is interested in Eagle Eye Swordsmanship ............ Suddenly a figure rushed out quickly, blocking the path of the flying slash. Use your body to block this huge flying slash from the front. Diamond Jozi had half of his face left, and the rest turned into diamonds. He roared with all his strength and threw this huge flying slash into the sky. The flying slash exploded in the sky. "The world's best slash was blocked?" A naval lieutenant colonel said in shock as he looked at the flying slash that exploded in the sky. Another navy lieutenant commander pointed at the figure in front and said, "That is Diamond Jozi, captain of the third division of the Whitebeard Pirates." Diamond Jozi smiled and looked at Hawkeye Mihawk. Hawkeye Mihawk also looked at Diamond Jozi, but Hawkeye Mihawk did not continue to choose to attack, but put away the supreme sharp sword Black Blade Night. From what he had just done, Hawkeye Mihawk had already figured out that the members of the Whitebeard Pirates would not give him a chance to fight Whitebeard. Since there was no such opportunity, Hawkeye Mihawk chose to give up. There was no need to force it. Once he forced it, he would really start a war with the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates. Luo Chen squinted his eyes and looked at Hawkeye Mihawk meaningfully. The opponent's swordsmanship was a good consideration. "Now is not the time to look around!!" The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates immediately took advantage of the gap created by Diamond George and immediately launched a fierce attack on the naval soldiers. Sanji smoked a cigarette and looked in the direction of Diamond Jozi, and said: "This member of the Whitebeard Pirates is so powerful, he can even easily block the attack of Mihawk, the eagle eye who crushed the green algae head. "
"Damn perverted cook, do you believe I can teach you how to speak?" Zoro said to Sanji. After forcing a marine soldier back, Robin said: "However, with the help of the Whitebeard Pirates, the pressure on us to rescue Luffy's brother will be reduced countless times." "Yes! If we rely on a few of us, it won't take more than a minute..." Nami said without continuing. Yuzhiliu, who was massacring the navy in another direction, stopped, took out a cigar, lit it, and said slowly: "Eagle Eye Mihawk? I don't know who has better swordsmanship compared to Captain Luo Chen." sharp??" Of course Yuzhiliu could tell that Captain Luo Chen's swordsmanship was superior to his, and the same was true now that he saw Hawkeye Mihawk! ! Ame no Kiryu's own swordsmanship is very close to that of a great swordsman, but he is not a great swordsman after all. The systematic evaluation is swordsmanship: S+ level, the peak of swordsmanship. A rear admiral rushed behind Amano Hiro and roared loudly: "Traitor Amano Hiro, suffer death!!" Just when the rear admiral's attack was about to fall! ! Ame no Shiru slashed the rear admiral away with a backhand slash. Ame no Shiru exhaled a puff of smoke and said mockingly: "A mere rear admiral wants to attack me, Ame no Shiliu? He is overestimating his own capabilities." "Then let me be your opponent! Ame no Shiru." Ghost Spider, one of the elite vice-admirals of the Navy Headquarters, slowly walked over. After seeing that the person who came was Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, Ame Zhiliu smiled excitedly and said: "Interesting, finally here comes someone who can fight better." Ghost Spider used his life to return, holding eight knives and rushed towards Yuzhiliu: "The Navy will not show mercy to traitors." "Then it depends on you, whether you have the strength or not." Yuzhiliu also waved the demon sword Leiyu and pushed forward. Bang~~ Bang~~ Ame no Shiru instantly fought with the ghost spider, and the fierce fight forced the nearby navy soldiers and pirates away. Luo Chen, who was watching the battle on the Moby Dick, also saw the strongest thug under his command, Yu Zhixiu, fighting against Vice Admiral Ghost Spider of the Navy Headquarters. [System, can you bring up the panels of Yuzhiliu and Ghost Spider? 】 [Yes, host. 】 Luo Chen smiled with satisfaction when he heard this. The system is still very powerful! You can also call up the other party's data without using the gift package. [Object: Ghost Spider] [Seeing and hearing domineering: A level] [Armed color domineering: S level] [Swordsmanship: A+ level] [Physical skills: A+ level]
[Basic. Physical endurance defense: S level] [Comprehensive attack power: S level] [Comprehensive defense power: S level] Luo Chen looked at the screen of Vice Admiral Ghost Spider of the Navy Headquarters. In terms of strength, he was pretty good and he was considered a master.