Chapter 29, Fat Fish Still an interrogation room. Not a torture chamber. The dignity of middle-aged people is still maintained. There is no resort to resorting to means. Just changed the handcuffs. “Why are you arresting me!” “Why are you arresting me!” Zhang Yong waved his hand. Let the skinny monkey leave. If you find that the content is incorrect, please use a browser to access it! What is a hidden Japanese doing to make so much money? Definitely not used on Chinese people. He already knew that it was very scary here. I just want to escape quickly.
“Captain, the investigation results are out. Lou Qingcheng, the boss of Mingsheng Trading Company.” "Come to me if you have any information. I'll give you this." Zhang Yong took out five ocean coins. "You can get my protection, and you can also get money. You can live a decent life." “Okay. Go ahead!” Suddenly, he thought of something, gritted his teeth, and said slowly: "Sir, are you investigating Du Xiaodie's death?" “Yes. You know?” The thin monkey breathed a sigh of relief. "Sir, if I lie to you, you will shoot me." Shouhou was very confident, "In our line of work, the first thing we need to develop is our eyesight." "I am not Japanese. I was wronged. Unjustly accused." Lou Qingcheng finally chose to resist. "Dollar?" “Relax!” Suddenly I heard screams coming from next door. The group I am in has always been calm and has not encountered any accidents! "Sir, please spare my life..." "I want to ask you something." He doesn’t know any interrogation techniques. So let’s get straight to the point. A course of treatment lasts for 7749 days. It took about three courses of treatment and it was almost done. The decent middle-aged man keeps roaring. I haven't realized where this place is yet. “Lou Qingcheng.” “Is there any more?” Zhang Yong handed over the five ocean coins, spread his hands, and said, "Tell me in detail."
The demeanor is very natural. Nothing unusual. Lou Qingcheng fell silent. "Okay. I believe you. After Du Xiaodie went back, he never came out again?" "I don't know. Sir, I really don't know. I know, I can tell you everything." “This Mingsheng Trading Company imports matches, nails and other materials from abroad. It exports cotton cloth, porcelain, tea, etc. from China. It is quite large, with more than 200 employees.” At present, the Eighth Action Group only has two teams. Cars are very plentiful. There is also plenty of fuel. They are all allocated privately by the Ministry of Finance. Zhang Yong’s eyes flashed. Soak the whip in water and then start whipping it. This method can make the target's skin and flesh go to pieces, but it will not damage the muscles and bones. Make an appointment with him. If he has any information, he can come to him. Or call to let us know. “Is it the Tianzi Pier in Wusongkou?” He felt that he could not be exposed. It seems that Zhang Yong is talking nonsense. “Call Wu Liuqi and let’s go to Lou’s house.” Skinny Monkey breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh? What do they want to do?” You still have to rely on street sweeping. Zhang Yong ordered. He realized that his situation was not good. "I…" Zhang Yong had no requirements for his subordinates. Just fight however you want. Just don't kill him. Investigating Lou Qingcheng’s social relationships. Then scan them one by one and arrest them. “Are you a three-hander?” Zhang Yong came to the next room. "What?" “Sir, I, I...” “No more. When I left, I saw Meng Chaowei coming. I really don’t know what happened next.” "yes!" I am the master of suffering!
I am the master of suffering! It was someone else who stole my ocean! You should catch someone else! Why arrest me? Zhang Yong sat down slowly. It’s a pity that I can only watch it. Seventy-seven. Seventy-six. One-seventy-eight. Eighty-three However, he couldn't understand why he was exposed? He is not eligible for any of them yet. "name." But the torture of Lou Qingcheng began. "I don't know about this. She went out at nine o'clock in the evening and came back at about ten o'clock. I stayed there until midnight, which was around eleven o'clock, and then I left." Because there were no professional torture instruments, whips were used. Zhang Yong doesn’t care either. Three meals a day. Three hours per meal is enough. “I’m asking about your Japanese name.” “Sir, I don’t know the specifics. But I know that several very powerful people have been active there recently. Including the Tumbler, the Golden Beam, the Swallow Three Waters and so on.” "yes…" Anyway, he didn't expect to find anything out of the interrogation. "arrive!" Why were you arrested all of a sudden? Is the other party blackmailing me? "If you confess honestly, you won't have to suffer." Zhang Yong said bluntly, "If you don't want to say it, then slowly taste the one hundred and eight dishes we have prepared for you." “I’m not Japanese! I’m not…” It can be said to be very kind. Originally, the team did not have a car. Not eligible for exclusive matching. But Zhang Yong does. If you need a truck, you can call it directly. After all, the previous rewards were all given to the Eighth Action Group. Since he has been arrested, it means that Lixingshe has quite a lot of information. "That night, I was near Meilehui. I saw Du Xiaodie put on makeup and went out." Thin Monkey said in surprise, "I'll be back in about an hour. The makeup she put on when she went out was completely different from the makeup she put on when she came back. Personally. I just felt weird. And then that night, she died." “Someone lost something valuable at the dock recently. Have you received any news?”
After a while, the three people drove out. The Japanese invaders were very stubborn. Even if the top ten tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty were used, confessions might not necessarily result. Therefore, the oral confession is basically equal to none. Seeing Zhang Yong come in, he became even more anxious. The body keeps leaning forward. I really want to say loudly into Zhang Yong’s ears, I was wronged, I was wronged... “Lou Qingcheng, you are Japanese.” Zhang Yong then stood up. Prepare to leave. The trial is over. Too lazy to waste my saliva. “You ask, you ask.” “This is the Lixingshe Secret Service, and we are arresting Japanese!” Compared to applying the soldering iron directly, it is less likely to cause wound infection. There is a lot of money to be made by working for the Ministry of Finance. “Zhong Yang!” "yes!" The other party knows that he is Japanese. There was no point in denying it. This is the Lixingshe Secret Service. The skinny monkey-like man was imprisoned here. Obviously a little nervous. Lou Qingcheng was at a loss. After all, we are a heavenly country, a country of etiquette. It is not good to be too cruel. “Thank you, sir!” “Understood.” Thin Monkey’s eyes suddenly lit up. Swallowing subconsciously. As a squad leader. He also now has a small room that serves as an office. There is also a telephone. Very ancient. The kind that requires dialing. Incoming and outgoing calls must be transferred to the switchboard. Perhaps a white glove from a Japanese spy agency. It is specifically used to earn funds for the organization. Just like Meng Chaowei. Zhang Yong waved his hand. “I know you’re not.” "You're scared?" The thin monkey carefully took the ocean. I am convinced that Zhang Yong really gave it to him. Not kidding yourself. That's why I feel relieved. “Exercise torture!” “I briefly investigated the bank situation of this company. The largest transaction amounted to US$30,000.” "I'm not…" “Are you sure you saw it correctly?” Zhang Yong looked unmoved. This Lou Qingcheng can actually earn US dollars?
It’s not simple! very good. Caught another big fish. wrong. It's a fat fish. The car turned into Yihe Road. Lou Qingcheng's home is here. (End of this chapter)