19 – 6. The status window opened on the first day of school. (3) * “Senior, it’s a bit awkward to see us in a place like this, isn’t it? An orphanage would be better. An orphanage. We should meet there. Did I become a regular sponsor for nothing?” “It’s urgent.” “Sigh… I guess you came here in a hurry because of the senior’s personality. Why did you hit the kids again? Seriously, just talk.” Dmitri grumbled as he led Ivan to a nearby cafe. The second floor of the cafe near the university was bustling with numerous citizens waiting for the entrance ceremony to end. Of course, that’s what it seemed like. As Dmitri led Ivan through the stairs to the second floor, the cafe that had been bustling with noise fell silent for a moment. “Ah, just do what you were doing. Act normal.”
As Dmitri waved his hand, the agents who were filling the cafe returned to being ordinary citizens. In the midst of it all, a table strategically vacated from the view of both the window and the stairs remained empty. “Sit down. Well, this place used to be famous, but I guess we can’t use it anymore. Do you know how difficult it is to make a place in the middle of Prichanka where you won’t be noticed?” “Sorry.” “It’s fine. So, what did you bring?” Dmitri smiled as he extended his hand, and Ivan pulled out three small explosive devices from his embrace. Dmitri’s expression disappeared in an instant. Seeing his hand smoothly moving into the sleeve, Ivan spoke. “I left out the detonator.” “You should have said that first!! Damn, that was close!” “If you were going to be so suspicious, you shouldn’t have hired me in the first place.” “Why say such bitter things? It’s a job where even our parents should be suspicious.” Dmitri shrugged and examined the explosives. After a while, a deep smile appeared on his face. “Interesting. Inside Saint Jansc University, huh?” “Sure. The expert, I suppose.” “Just by looking at it, yes. Three of them. Judging by the magical energy, it doesn’t seem like a building explosion or political assassination. Looks more like a diversion.” “Yeah. There must have been a separate infiltration team.” “No one from our side was missed. Definitely not the prince’s group. We’ve kept an eye on them.” Dmitri chuckled, clapping his hands together. Soon, an agent disguised as an ordinary middle-aged woman approached. “Send this to the headquarters’ magical division.”
“Yes, Lieutenant Colonel.” “And the items? Are they ready?” “Yes.” She pulled out a thick bundle of documents from her basket. Dmitri took the papers, quickly skimmed through them, and pushed them towards Ivan. “This is what the senior asked for. We worked really hard to prepare it in a hurry. Even if Your Highness wasn’t sincerely supporting the senior, well, thank you.” “Much appreciated.” “Don’t mention it. Oh, the senior said we should meet sometime. Is the timing okay?” “It might be difficult for a while.” Ivan stood up, holding the documents. As he turned to leave, a voice came from behind. “Senior.” “Hmm?” “Your gaze is a bit distant. Do you know?” “….” Turning around, Dmitri looked at him with a serious expression. The shadowy gaze beneath his hat shone vividly, scrutinizing Ivan accurately. “Relax. This isn’t the battlefield here.” “…Hmm.” “Well, coming from someone who suggested working once we’ve gathered retired folks, it’s a bit ironic. Loosen up a bit, look around, and enjoy life. Even Her Highness and I, we don’t expect perfection from our seniors.” Ivan left without responding, carrying the documents. Dmitri chuckled, tilting his head. “That’s why people should experience love. Stuck in a rut without any sunlight, how dull it must be. Right?” “Lieutenant Petrovich… Indeed, the ‘small’ Ivan. Your reputation is not unfounded. Impressive.” “When I first saw him, I almost pissed myself. How can someone who has been idle for four years be like that? Anyway.” Dmitri spoke, tapping the table lightly. “Stick to people. That senior, don’t leave him alone.” “If his actions cross the line, should I stop him?” “What are you talking about? Do you want to die? Just watch. Watch from a very, very far distance.”
Well, let’s see how far he can cross the line. Whether he was angry or not, he probably wanted to find the agent who planted explosives and personally jump into action. Even if he tries his best, he will probably just scare a few students, and it will be nothing more than a show of anger towards ‘Ivan’. While Dmitri was thinking about such things, Ivan was taking out an axe and a healing potion in the principal’s office. * It cannot be told to anyone. The story that this world is actually nothing more than a kind of game and may be governed by a sophisticated system. So. I have to do it myself. Ivan sincerely believed that and spread the report he received from Dmitri on the table. – List of school staff. – List of freshmen. – Personal information of undergraduate students. This year, there are over 300 freshmen. Since Yansk University is a three-year program, the total number of undergraduate students is close to a thousand. Considering all the staff, including faculty, professors and assistants, as well as security, administrative staff, admissions office, etc. If we also include students who have entered graduate school and students who have postponed graduation for reasons such as taking a leave of absence. Total, 1733 people. “One more thing there.” We need to look into the ‘families’ of students who have the authority to approach the entrance ceremony. If there is enough possibility to step on the university campus on the day of the entrance ceremony, everyone can be included in the suspect pool. That is, if we consider dignitaries from each country and the families of students themselves. Total, 2429 people. “I know you’re in there.” Ivan pressed the stack of documents classified by category on the table with a heavy thud, thud. “I don’t think it will be easy to find.” Arrogance is the sharpest dagger to kill an agent. “But it won’t take long. Promise.” The avatars of the academy can never lead a quiet school life. This is ‘common sense.’
They will thwart raids, monopolize power, and acquire visions somewhere. The world of the academy essentially follows the standard platform called ‘Nadenade.’ There’s no other way. Who would like a story of attending school and graduating normally? Therefore, if this guy knows the [original work], He would undoubtedly mimic the movements of the protagonist in the original work. All avatars live like that. Even Kim Sunwoo’s initial thoughts when he first avatars were ‘monopolizing power’ and ‘spreading modern culture.’ So, all avatars are intensely selfish, full of variables, and it’s not strange for them to make unexpected moves. After the fierce war that NPCs fought ended, they would have wanted to comfortably enroll in the ‘Academy’ and enjoy a pleasant game avatar. They wouldn’t want to know or understand the lives of countless people passing by in the background setting. It would just be fun. It would feel like enjoying a well-made theme park. I already understand that this is just venting, that it’s hatred without a destination, and maybe it’s a base jealousy. – What is this, Santa Claus? A casual remark, but that one word clearly revealed how he treated others. Not hiding the fact that he avatars, just enjoying it. That one word disheveled Ivan’s heart. That one word that seemed to look at the other as just an ‘object.’ -Lieutenant! Did you see? Wow, I was really awesome. Right? It’s been seven battles, but I blocked them all. -Don’t speak. -Ahahahaha, if I do it again, I think I can do it again. Too bad. At that time, I should have tilted the shield a little more to the right. -Cherenovika. Don’t open your mouth. -If I did that, maybe I could have saved that idiot Shasha. Really regrettable. Lieutenant. Seriously. -It’s almost done. Almost there. Just a little more, hold on a little more. -Go and get hit by Shasha. But you won’t be lonely, even in heaven or hell, we’ve managed our connections well, right? -Please. Quiet. The blood cools faster. Cherenovika. Please. -Lieutenant, live for a long time. Come as late as possible. If you come quickly, I’ll give you a send-off. Their story is not just a background setting. Ivan was having nightmares among scattered papers. From Noble mtl dot com It’s a memory from a long time ago. -Don’t mourn those who left first.
“I too stand among them. Their stories are not mere backgrounds. “We survived instead of the most excellent men of this era.” “We all did.” Their history is not some script. It must not be. In his nightmare, Ivan murmured slowly. While feeling the tapping on his back by Kim Sunwoo. “Kimchi stew, spicy rice cakes, nachos with cheese, stir-fried pork, raw fish bibimbap, Sokcho-style raw fish soup, warm ramen. “Hometown, home, Korea, Seoul, rooftop room, parents. “Subway station, convenience store, nightlife, hometown, must return. Firmly decide in your heart, don’t waver, face it head-on. “It’s okay. We are not alone. Picking up things that soothe the heart haphazardly. Until the night ends. * After the semester began, Essidis found herself in a difficult situation. No one wanted to eat with her. In this school where nobles from all over the world gather, the title of ‘royalty’ naturally shouldn’t become a reason for ostracism. However, for the young students barely in their twenties, seeing the bodyguard of the ‘royalty’ (a middle-aged man, muscular, wielding an axe) always vigilant could indeed be a considerable burden. “Oh, I’m screwed because of my uncle!!” “Is that my fault? Isn’t the problem those idiots bothering our nephew in the first place?” “Then why do they stop the girls too!” “Your uncle already heard those women badmouthing our nephew behind his back.” “Ughhh… my college life… my life… Dad… I hate you…!” The strongest music major who became a victim of bullying on the first day of school ran off sobbing.