On the other side, Wang Hu's territory. Wang Hu also heard the pinned message that An Ye was selling 500,000 food. Then he saw in the chat bar that the lord who used to lick his boots was calling An Ye a big boss. He was immediately unhappy. The younger brothers below also talked about it. "500,000 food? This An Ye actually has so much food?" "Is this the strength of the first place on the ladder? 500,000! So terrifying." Wang Hu was unhappy to begin with. Hearing these words, he was furious: "You don't really believe that Dark Night has 500,000 food!" "You can tell it's impossible with your heels. More than a dozen of us have been looting for three days, beating bosses and opening treasure chests, and we have only saved 100,000 food."
"How could Dark Night have 500,000 food, and we have to exchange all of this 500,000 food for magic crystals. Do you know how many types of soldiers can be trained with 500,000 magic crystals?" "Can Dark Night afford to train them?" "He must have seen that I, Wang Hu, have established an alliance and wanted to step on me, so he did this trick." The younger brothers heard it and thought about it. 500,000 food, what's the concept? How can Dark Night be so worthy? Only Wang Ergou rolled his Adam's apple: "Brother, Dark Night is the first on the ladder list, what if he really has 500,000?" Wang Hu started at zero frame and flew over with a forced pocket. He said angrily: "If I say it's impossible, it must be impossible." "If Ling Ye really has 500,000 food, I will stand upside down and eat shit, eat one pound, eat it while it's hot, and eat it liquid." Wang Ergou rolled on the ground for several rounds. He stood up with his face swollen like his buttocks, tears of grievance rolling in his eyes. "The countdown is almost over." A younger brother shouted. Wang Hu crossed his arms and opened the trading channel to watch the show. While talking. The one-minute countdown set by Ling Ye returned to zero. The food he prepared was instantly put on the shelf. [500,000 units of food, 1:1 exchange for magic crystals. ] The next moment, this number kept decreasing.
In the end, it returned to zero in less than two seconds. Sold out. Seeing this scene, Wang Hu and his younger brothers were stunned. No, buddy, are you serious? Do you really have 500,000 food? "Brother, it's really 500,000 food, I guessed it right." Wang Ergou shouted excitedly. The feeling of grievance was swept away. Instead, there was a sense of pride. As for Wang Hu, his face was not good. Dark as ink. I thought Ling Ye was just bragging. I didn't expect him to be serious. Now Wang Ergou pointed it out again. Wang Hu exploded instantly: "I'm not blind, you said it now, do you want me to really eat shit upside down?" Damn, what a little brother, you have no sense. He admitted that he did say that he would eat shit upside down. But put aside the facts. As the boss, he should give some way out at the right time, don't you understand? You deliberately brought it up, what do you want to do? Do you really want to see eating shit upside down? The atmosphere was awkward, and Wang Hu quickly changed the subject. "It seems that Dark Night is stronger than I thought. No wonder he dared to reject my invitation." "Let's start the assembly tonight and teleport all the lords who joined the alliance." "Tomorrow, everyone, use all your strength to brush resources and find C-level BOSS." "I want to become stronger, I want to get the first kill, I want to trample Ling Ye under my feet." The younger brothers nodded and hurried to make arrangements. Alliance assembly refers to teleportation. It allows the territories of alliance members to be teleported to the leader.
The first time is free, and from the second time onwards, a large amount of resources are required to purchase the number of assemblies. ... At the same time. The territory of the bitch sisters. Liu Ruxue looked at her transaction panel and felt bad. There was a red prompt on it. [Purchase failed, you have been blacklisted by the seller. 】 She turned her head to look at Liu Rushuang: "Did you buy it? It shows that the purchase failed." The latter looked strange: "Me too, and it shows that I was blacklisted by the seller." Liu Ruxue was numb: "You are also on the blacklist? Me too." "What's going on? We were blacklisted by An Ye?" The two sisters stared at each other. They couldn't understand what this operation was? Why were the two of them blacklisted for no reason? I thought that An Ye's selling of food was a ray of light in the dark night. Now it seems that the light is a ray of light, but it didn't shine on them. After a while, Liu Rushuang said: "Could it be a bug?" "This is theoretically a game world. It's normal for games to have bugs." Liu Ruxue was puzzled and had to nod and agree: "That should be a bug. Damn, we just happened to run into it." "Without food, we are afraid that it will become more and more difficult." The two were also abstract. I would rather believe that this is a bug. I don't believe that An Ye really blocked them. ... The territory of the Immortal City. Ling Ye looked at the newly received 500,000 magic crystals and raised his lips. This is the trade lord. This is the benefit of making money from national disasters.
500,000 food was sold out in less than two seconds. 500,000 magic crystals were obtained. Adding the original 100,000, a total of 600,000 magic crystals. This is the peak number that has never been reached. The most important thing is that the daily food production of the Immortal City is now above 200,000. Every day in the future, Ling Ye will have extra food to sell. This It is a profitable business. Not only food can be sold. Equipment, props, building materials, and even nests will be Ling Ye's sales targets. Ling Ye seemed to have seen countless magic crystals waving at him. Opening the nest list, Ling Ye wisely went all in. [Magic crystals - 160,000, Centaur Heavy Cavalry +1600. ] [Magic crystals - 440,000, Flame Spirit +2200. ] It is true that Flame Spirit is stronger than Centaur Heavy Cavalry. However, the two professions are different. A qualified lord will not go all in on only one type of soldier. Instead, it must be considered comprehensively in combination with the profession. Centaur Heavy Cavalry is a meat shield, suitable for charging and absorbing damage. The Spirit of Fire is an output, but it is not very mobile, so it is suitable for output from the rear. After the all-in, the troops reached 6200 units. Centaur Heavy Cavalry*2000. Spirit of Fire*4200. It is no exaggeration. Some lords may not have 6000 troops by the end of 30 days in the novice zone. For Ling Ye, these 6000 troops are just the beginning. As the number of troops increases, his advancement speed will also increase. At the same time, the resources harvested will also increase. This is the so-called snowball.
The more the snowball rolls, the bigger the snowball will be. The bigger the snowball is, the faster it rolls. The faster it rolls, the faster the snowball grows. The troops were arranged. And Qiao Na. She is now in her juvenile form and cannot transform into a human form. And because of her huge size. So she can only live on the grass outside the territory. After everything was done, Ling Ye went back to his room to rest. He covered himself with a goose down quilt, thinking about tomorrow's plan. While peeking at the chat bar. He just opened it. As a result, he saw Liu Ruxue's message. "@All lords, I am Liu Ruxue. It's unfortunate that we all traveled through this game world... I am just a weak singer. I was a little slow just now and didn't grab the food sold by the Dark Night God. Now Xue'er's territory has run out of food and urgently needs food to get through the difficulties." "So I beg Xue'er fans in the 518 Novice Zone, I hope you can lend a hand to Xue'er. A piece of food and a magic crystal are also love. Help Xue'er through the difficulties, Xue'er will be grateful. When Xue'er gets through the difficulties, I will definitely return the resources to everyone. ” “When everyone helps Xue’er, please don’t affect your own development. Just give one or two magic crystals and food. Thank you. ” ……